Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Space of Saturday

This past Saturday was suppose to be my day off, but because my boss (Uncle James) had to go to Singapore this week and was swamped with meetings last week, the only day I could do my presentation was this past Saturday.

7:00 am...

So I woke up and got ready. I bored the KCR and it occurred to me, that besides not being able to sleep in on a Saturday morning, I actually don't mind going to work on Saturdays. I mean who's awake at 7 am in the morning? Not very many people. I liked it. I liked the fact that I could sit in the train, with the morning sunlight pouring through the train's windows...and it was quite. It was still. It wasn't empty, it was spacious.

I like travelling early morning when everyone else is awake. I think it's something I've always liked...driving at 5am in the morning to retreats...overnight driving to PEI...the fact that I can do something that usually is fairly crowded or packed with people...I like the space, particularly here in HK.

A picture from where I stand to take the company bus.

1 comment:

Mrs.Lau said...

There will be lots of space when you come back here...! Enjoy the hustle and bustle of HK while you have it - I miss it so much in the quietness of Toronto at 9, 10, 11, 12pm... haha

I M U!