Sometimes I can't believe what I'm hearing. Typically everyday, I listen to 680 news, read the star, or browse the CNN website and I hear about the odd story here or there, or about the homicide that happened here. But the other day when I heard about how 33 people were shot to death on a campus in the States, I just couldn't control feeling so sad and upset about it.
32 people shot to death by a student...why!? Why is there such a darkness in us that would cause someone to do this?
Sorry this post isn't so bright, but over the past couple days/weeks death has been a pretty heavy reality around me.
A couple weeks back I recieved an email about how my friend had to return to Hong Kong immediately because his grandfather just passed away.
Last Friday, my friend called me. In tears, she said, "Mike, my father's dying..." and that night he passed away.
Last night, I received an email from yet another friend. His aunt and uncle were on an anniversary and the uncle died in a sudden accident.
Sometimes...I just don't understand. I mean, perhaps it's just me, but I just feel broken inside on behalf of these people. To think of the pain, the hurt, the suffering they go through...I can't think it, it's beyond what I know.
I would think, when things like these happen, people start to think about God. Does He exist? If He does, does He care?
In a world stained in darkness like what happened in Virginia Tech, the AIDs pandemic around the world, and the crisis in Darfur my hope is in knowing there is a God that exists, He does care, He has done something about it and is still doing something about it now...of which one is calling us to join Him by praying.