Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Master Chess Player

I know, I know, I know...it's time for an update...

This is a really short one for now, I'll update more later...

But when I reflect on what God's been doing in the past 2 years (including this year) at UTCCF, I can't help but think of Him as master chess player...moving His pieces around, tactically, specifically, strategically...all for the killer move. God's been moving all this time, and I think I'm actually wrong in saying in the past 2 years...because ever since UT begun, God moved.

And I think He's nearing his last ones with regards to UT. I think all those late night prayers, all those passion-filled conversations, and late night dreaming for our campus...it's like every time something like that happens, the temperature of the kettle rises a little more...and just like before it whistles from the boiling water...there's those slight rumbles and bubbles...that appear here, and there...

the temperature, is rising...
the pieces, are moving...
the forecast for revival...


And one of the next big move in this bigger picture, I believe is here: http://uofthop.wordpress.com/

I really encourage, student of UT, member of CCF, or not...please check it out and join us even if you don't sign up, but if you want a challenge, sign up.


Mrs.Lau said...

amen and amen!

Derek said...


hey, i heard you had a guest speaker last month at CCF? when will you put it up on the CCF website?


Joeie said...

Hey! Did you know that we're having daily prayer meetings at 7:30am for the rest of this term?


Joeie said...

Whoops. I meant at York! And as in of course, they're open for anybody and everybody AND.. YEAH!

sammi said...

cousin, kat must have changed your website, right? it looks a lot nicer than before. ;) haha...