Friday, September 29, 2006

He's up to something big...

Tonight was our first official large group gathering. We moved to a new venue for just this week at Hart House.

The schedule started today at 4:30pm. It was suppose to be a time of prayer. I was a little late so when I walked into the room I saw people chatting, practicing music, setting up stuff...but in the middle of this hallway I saw a group of girls with their eyes closed, sitting in a circle praying. So I decided, since my purpose of arriving at this time was to pray, I was going to join them. So I pulled up a chair and began to just listen in and agree to what they were praying.

When things were settling a bit, I decided it was my turn to pray. And as I prayed I remember one thing that really impressed into my heart. That as I walked into this room, it really moved me to see a group of girls gathered together praying when others were doing other things around them. And I remember so clearly what I came next...I began to pray expressing how I was so blessed by these girls' hearts for change in this campus and that they knew where the key to that change prayer. They were right on.

To sum it up. I was excited, nervous, and anticipating great things...and God ended up taking me down an incredible road tonight. Tonight was yet another time in the past couple weeks when I've just felt so small, so humbled, to think that God would choose me to be a part of this great big plan that He had.

And I honestly think God's up to something big this year and we're not going have to wait till the end of the year to see it. It's coming quick. Frosh BBQ was good, OD was awesome, Retreat was amazing, and tonight was incredible. I don't think I've seen so many people in CCF in the times that I've been there before. It wasn't because of the program, b/c no one really knew what tonight was about till they arrived. It was God working. It was His community in action. It was His Spirit moving.

And all I can say is that I am so small and He is so big. Every week all I've got to offer is just a couple of loaves and fish, and He just keeps taking it and doing something incredible to it. I serve such an amazing God!

Keep praying for CCF and all the other fellowships at UT and at other universities. God's on the move, and the effect is starting to surface.

He's up to something... and it's BIG.


Derek said...

of course.. it's something big.. why would He have saved you.. for something small?

i dont think so my brother. together let's build His kingdom.


Anonymous said...

agreed with derek :) He's called you to something HUGE :) can't wait to watch and see the Lord unfold it with ya :)

ols said...

the amazing thing is that as big as our vision may be, it will always still be too small. praise God!

blessings on you as you serve CCF this year, mike. we'll have to hang out before i take off again, yeah?

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:18

sammi said...

cousin.... im coming home friday night! =)=)

cherryberie said...

good to hear your updates mike! i have a friend doing post-grad at ut and i'm going to tell him about ccf (if he doens't go there already?)...his name is james bao...does that ring a bell? if not, i'm gonna to drop him your name if you don't mind...

Anonymous said...

eeks. ..good luck /w 3.30 am starts.

privileged to serve /w you :)

Anonymous said...

big, huge, ginormous, definitely. can't wait to see what God has in store for CCF next. it's going to be a great year!